Summer 2024

Dear Praying Friends in Christ,

It has been a very busy Spring and Summer for Scripture Memory Ministry.  The blessing and faithfulness of the Lord has been with us all the way.

This Spring I went on a three-church preaching tour to Northern Minnesota and Superior Wisconsin.  The first church was a new work for Native Americans. We were able to teach them the faithfulness of coming to church, and the importance of reading their Bibles every day. In the second church we saw God work in the hearts of the teens and we saw a man come to the saving knowledge of Christ. In Superior, I was able to help the Pastor get adjusted to being a diabetic. 

When I arrived at the first church, the check engine light came on in our van. It is a scary thing to see when you are a thousand miles away from home.  The van was able to make the whole trip without any other complications. When I got home, we took the van to our mechanic. We found out that the van needed a complete engine overhaul. We got it back about a month later. The Lord has amazingly provided the money to pay for the repair bill. God Is so good!

This spring we also drove all the way to Maryland to a church pastored by one of our college graduates. The church is doing well and the pastor is doing a wonderful Job.

This Summer we had two Vacation Bible Schools. One in Illinois, the other in Wisconsin.  We saw four children saved this Summer. We have also preached in churches in Michigan and Ohio.

Our health is doing a little better. Once in a while I feel lousy for about four days. We still do not know what causes this. Mary has now lost about 56 pounds. She has been able to travel for most of the meetings. She has been such a blessing this year.

Please continue to pray for us as we travel.  We need the Lord’s safety. It is also our desire to see Him continue to bless our ministry.  

May the Lord find us all faithful in serving Him till He returns! 

In His Service,
David and Mary Barker