June 2016

Dear Praying Friends in Christ,

We apologize for the lateness of this prayer letter.  Shortly after we finished our second tour of the year, we started having computer and internet problems on both of our laptops.  We finally broke down and purchased a new laptop computer.   Scripture Memory Ministry now has its own e-mail address:  Scripturememoryministry@gmail.com.  We are looking forward to hearing from you.

This year is going very well.  We had some wonderful meetings in Florida with many good salvation and other decisions in January and February.  We had our model trains with us on this trip and we set it up in several churches.  It helped bring out many visitors.  I even had the privilege to speak at a boy’s ranch while in Florida! This was something new and exciting for me; and what a thrill to see the alter filled during the invitation!

My wife and I have also been to Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Tennessee already this year.  Many of these meetings were 3 and 4 day revivals, and one of them was a soul winning seminar.  I also preached at 2 graduations.  That was certainly an honor and a privilege.

We will be traveling to Arkansas, and then to two meetings in the Chicago area before I travel out to the Pacific northwest for several Vacation Bible Schools.  The churches in Washington and Idaho will be enjoying the model train layout with their VBS programs.  I am excited about taking with me a teen boy to help with the trains, VBS, and to learn about the ministry.  I will also be going to a new church in Oregon.  Mrs. Barker will be staying home to enjoy a long needed break, and to spend time with her family. 

We are also happy to announce that another church has taken us on for support.  This gives us about 75% of the support we need.  God is so good!

Please pray that God will continue to bless our ministry and supply our needs.  We also ask that you pray for safety on the roads for us as we travel.  We are still looking for more churches to support us.  We are excited to travel to churches trying to get them into their Bibles, and to depend upon God’s Word for the answers.

In His Service,
David and Mary Barker   


Scripture Memory Ministry
Every word of God is pure.  Proverbs 30:5
David and Mary Barker
110 S. Mineral Springs Rd.
Porter, IN 46304
Home: (219) 926-5161    cell: (219) 771-9916

Fall/Winter 2015


Dear Praying Friends in Christ,

A lot has been going on here at Scripture Memory Ministry.  As many of you know, my brother in law, Patrick Reamer had a massive heart attack and stroke last September.  It is truly by God’s grace and a miracle that he is even alive.  He is doing much better and defying all the doctors as he is able to talk, stand, and is even starting to walk again!  Thank you for all your prayers, and please continue to pray that he will make a full recovery. 

My model trains were used in two revival meetings this fall.  Once again they brought out many visitors.  I don’t know who enjoyed the trains more, the Pastors or the kids!  Many good decisions have been made, including salvation, and we saw revival in the hearts of many people.

Many miles have been driven in the last couple of months with God’s safety.  We have traveled out west to Idaho and Utah, and out east to Maryland and West Virginia.  Everywhere we went we saw God working in the hearts of the people as the altars were filled with decisions to seriously start memorizing God’s Word.

I just returned from a two week preaching tour in Mexico City.  I had the privilege to speak in five churches and a Bible Institute while I was there.  What a joy it was to preach and teach to the Mexican people and to see them so hungry to learn the Bible!  These people looked up every verse on the outlines they were given as I preached.  The altars down there were also filled with many people making decisions to learn God’s Word.

While in Mexico I had the opportunity to stay with the Rardin family.  Many of you know this missionary family and support them.  They are doing a wonderful job and staying busy for the Lord.  What a joy it was to go visiting with Brother Clint and see all the people who have been lead to the Lord and are now growing as Christians. (I am also thankful that he did all the driving in the Mexico City traffic!)

In January we will drive to Florida for our winter snowbird preaching tour for a little over 2 months.  This year we are taking my model trains as many churches have requested them.  I hope the trains get lots of people to church!

We are heading to Texas for our last preaching tour of the year to speak in three churches.  We will be gone for two weeks, then home for a two-week holiday break.

We hope that you have a very blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year.  Never lose your desire to learn God’s Word and to serve Him with all your heart.

Please pray that God will continue to bless our ministry and supply our needs. We are still looking for more churches to support us. We are excited to continue to travel to churches trying to get them into their Bibles, and to depend upon God’s Word for the answers.

In His Service,
David and Mary Barker

I Peter 3:15


March 2015

Winter, 2015
Dear Praying Friends in Christ,
We have just returned from a two month tour in Florida.  We are excited because we saw many blessings and fruit for our labor. We went to several churches, many of them new to us, and saw many good decisions.  We give thanks to the Lord for what He has done through His Word.
We first traveled to Milton, Florida, where right away we saw God start working.  I preached in a church on Sunday and saw many people challenged to learn God’s Word.  One lady especially was all fired up and asked many questions.  She even called me later in the trip because she was so excited.  I also preached in their Second Chance Ministry almost every night we were there.  The men were enjoying the preaching and getting right with God.  I also made my yearly appearance on the radio where they interviewed me about memorizing verses.  Over 35,000 people were listening!  While in Milton, we were given a free oil change, a new Preacherman shirt, and Mary received a nice jacket with Scripture Memory Ministry and her name embroidered on it.  She sure looks nice in it.
I also preached in another church across town for a mid-week service.  The pastor loved it so well he rescheduled me for a whole Sunday next year.
Next, we traveled to Orlando to a black church where the pastor and his assistant are all fired up for the Lord.  They loved our ministry so well that the pastor ordered 20 copies of our book, “Order My Steps.”
We then traveled to DeLand to meet a pastor who was recommended to us.  We ended up helping in their church for about two weeks.  I preached a mid-week service, an evening service, and all three services one Sunday.  We also helped out in junior church, AWANA, and I preached in two nursing home services.  The people were very excited about memorizing topically, including the pastor!  We’re going back next year for 4 days of meetings.  Their mission house was such a blessing.  It saved us a lot of money in motels.
Our travels then took us to Fort Myers where I spoke in three churches.  Two of them were scheduled, and the other one was a “spur of the moment” offer.  God blessed in all three churches.  Many good decisions were made.  At one church, we found a man who is going to give our web site a brand new look.  We can’t wait to see it!
While in Fort Myers we were invited to attend a three-day Bible conference.  We heard some wonderful old-fashion preaching.  They had some pictures on the communion table of some famous preachers of the past.  Two of those men were Charles H. Spurgeon, and Robert Sheffy.  They even had a sheep-skin similar to the one Preacher Sheffy used to pray on!
While also staying in Fort Myers we traveled to Naples for a mid-week service.  The pastor was so excited about the message that he had me stay up at the pulpit for a question and answer session.  Once again God’s Word convicted the hearts of the pastor and His people of the need to learn Bible verses.
We then traveled across the state to Margate, Florida, where I preached for one of my favorite fundamental pastors.  I love the way he is not afraid to stand up against bad music and false teaching.  We also saw many good decisions in that church.
On our way home we stopped in Alabama and spoke in a church that was also recommended to us.  Many good decisions were also made here.  The love-offering we received helped cover our traveling expenses home.
Please pray that God will continue to bless our ministry and supply our needs.  We are still looking for more churches to support us.  We are excited to continue to travel to churches trying to get them into their Bibles, and to depend upon God’s Word for the answers.
In His Service,
David and Mary Barker
1 Peter 3:15

Scripture Memory Ministry
Every word of God is pure.  Proverbs 30:5
David and Mary Barker
110 S. Mineral Springs Rd.
Porter, IN 46304
Home:  (219) 926-5161  Cell:  (219) 771-9916